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You can choose multiple roles, but only chose the ones you're really interested in

Alpha Reader

Beta Reader

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The ARC Team has one job, and only one job. That's reviewing the books I send them. You're getting the book before it's officially released, and all you got to do is leave a review on the sites I tell you to. It'll be the usual sites, Goodreads, Smashwords, and possibly Amazon, depending on the book. If you're interested, just fill out of the form below and I'll be in touch.

I, DJ Small, am about to explain that to you, but first let me say I am thrilled and delighted to have you on this page. I'm sure you're curious to know why I'm using pre-release reader instead of beta reader. The reason for that is because I need alpha and beta readers.


What's the difference?


According to Reedsy, an alpha reader is someone who usually gets the first draft of an author's manuscript. You get the flaws, misspellings, missing words, and all that jazz. The purpose of an alpha reader is to provide feedback on that basic manuscript. For me, an alpha reader is someone who can give honest feedback on a manuscript that I've just finished and lets me know if the story idea works, if certain things need to be fleshed out, or if something is missing. Alpha readers are the guinea pigs, and I love them for it. At this time, I only need 1 (one) alpha reader, so whoever replies first will get the role.

Beta readers, you all get a little better experience. The manuscript will have gone through me, my A-Team (Alpha readers), back to me, and then lastly my editor. With my betas, you guys are the pre-readers before the story goes out into the wild. You are the litmus test for readability, making sure the plot makes sense, and first reviewers basically. You guys help me fine tune the story before I hold my breath and click that publish button. For betas, I'm looking for 3 (three) betas, so don't be shy.

Alphas and betas will have access to their respective manuscripts through a site called StoryOrigin. I love the concept of StoryOrigin because it gives each reader access to their own copy, allows me to have better management for each reviewer, and it makes readers give feedback before they can advance to the next chapter. It's definitely a helpful tool and one I'm completely excited to engage with.

Anyway, if you are interested in being a alpha or beta reader, fill out the form below and I'll put you on my roster of Alpha and Beta readers. All information entered here will be solely for the purpose of me communicating with potential Alpha and Beta readers. If you're interested in signing up for my newsletter, click here. If you're trying to contact me, you can go to this page. You can also use that page if you have questions about being a pre-release reader.​​


Once again, thank you for your interest.

Alpha/Beta/ARC Reader Interest Form

Become An ARC Reader Today!

What's A Pre-Release Reader?

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